The following information has been created upon the request of many Pastors and Church Secretaries.
Please understand that we are extremely grateful for your desire to care for us, but also know that we are coming in to your place of ministry to give of ourselves. We love to serve Christ and His church!
Justyn - 7/7
Rachel - 4/8
Lydia - 2/16/17
Anniversary - 7/21/07
You are more than welcome to use any of our family pictures online for promotion. Please visit our PROMOTION PAGE to scroll through picture and slide options. You can always email us if you'd like us to send you a specific photo.
We don't have a minimum charge to minister at a church. We come by faith knowing God will provide, and He is our Great Provider!
How To Write Out A Love Offerings Check
Please write checks out to "A Heart For Revival Ministries." All checks are deposited into the Ministry account. No 1099 is necessary due to A Heart For Revival being a 501C3.
Online Giving Option
A HEART FOR REVIVAL MINISTRIES utilizes a secure online giving platform. You are more than welcome to donate event love offerings online instead writing out a paper check.
Monthly Support
We will share our burden and need for support only when asked. God has blessed us with several monthly supporters. We are praying for more!
We are blessed to have a home to come back to when we are within an hour or so of the church we are ministering in or when we are not on the road ministering. While we are on the road, we love staying in missions apartments or with Pastors and the families they trust. We love the fellowship and the memories made! We currently travel with a toddler bed.
We currently travel in this 2024 Honda Odyssey, and the way God has provided for her is amazing! Her name is Grace. The name is based off of the wonderful grace of God through gracious gifts we received. Praise the LORD!
Many churches provide (or have us bring) breakfast foods (Oatmeal, Eggs and Toast are the usual). Each church moves forward in different ways for the other meals...therefore, we are extremely flexible and happy to oblige to whatever schedule is established. We eat most food types.
1. Rachel is GLUTEN FREE.
2. Justyn is ok to eat before services.
Many gracious hosts have asked for our favorite snacks. Thank you for your thoughtfulness. We aren't big "snackers," but here are a few insights to our likes:
We like fruits and veggies.
We primarily drink water. We rarely drink soda and don't drink coffee. (Yep, you read that right.)
We all love ice-cream or cookies. ;-)
Justyn: Trail Mix
Rachel: Cashews and Yogurt Raisins
Lydia: Same
There is no need to entertain us while we are with you, but please know that we will love any fellowship we can get with you! With that said, thank you for being interested in knowing the things that we like to do. There have been times Pastors didn't join us for an activity but highly encouraged us to join some of their families on an outing.
One of the hardest parts about a traveling ministry IS the physical exhaustion AND lack of activity...therefore, We love to be ACTIVE (after our bodies recover from the traveling). Golfing (Justyn typically travels with his clubs), Working Out (We use an app), Playgrounds, Site-seeing, Shopping...You name it...we probably love it or would enjoy trying it out. We are now able to travel with our bikes!
Pastor, we follow your leadership as the Lord leads you to handle the order of each service we are with you. (Please let us know in advance if you wish for us to handle the entire service.)
1. Rachel sings and plays the piano. She is able to play for congregational singing or offertories. She often sings before Justyn preaches.. She has one cd available.
2. Justyn seeks to uplift Christ by preaching Biblically and dynamically with the Spirit's guidance. He preaches from the King James Bible. An average full length sermon is 40 minutes. When given a time limit, the message will finish on time or before.
3. Invitations: Justyn will lead the invitation if you desire him to do so, but he typically starts the invitation and then turns the invitation over to the Pastor.
Many Pastors ask, "How can we better help you and your family as you minster to us?" We are blessed with this question, and here are a few things to consider...
Before A Meeting
1. Real Prayer is Crucial, 2. Repetitive Promotion is Crucial, 3. Reaching People is Crucial, and 4. Readying Your Congregation For Revival and A Guest Preacher Through Your Personal Preaching is Crucial.
After A Meeting
1. Remind of what God did/is doing and Rejoice Over the Outcome, 2. If there is a great connection between you and your people with us, purpose to reschedule us for a future event as the Lord leads, and 3. Stay connected with us/pray for us and we'll seek to do the same for you!
Pastor or Secretary, please share this page with additional parties as necessary.
If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask. We look forward to our future fellowship and work of the ministry with you. Until then, please know that you have our prayers!
With A Heart For Revival and Evangelism,
Justyn, Rachel and Lydia Smith
We also invite you to sign up to receive our monthly updates.
Thank you for your continued interest in what the Lord has called us to do!